CCB Monthly News Listing: November 2013

Wellcome Trust in partnership with SFI & HRB announces funding for Elaine Dunleavy

click here to see the SFI press release  

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40th Annual Meeting of European Radiation Research Society

Well done to Heinz-Peter Nasheuer who co-organised the successful 40th Annual Meeting of European Radiation Research Society recently in Dublin. Heinz-Peter co-chaired two sessions; one on “DNA damage and repair” and the other on “Emerging Technologies”.

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Collaborative Publication of the Nasheuer and Santocanale labs

A nice collaborative publication from the Nasheuer and Santocanale labs in FEBS journal: Broderick, R., Rainey, M.D., Santocanale, C. and Nasheuer, H.P. (2013) Cell cycle-dependent formation of Cdc45-Claspin complexes in human cells are compromized by UV-mediated DNA damage. The FEBS

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Publication alert

Well done to the Anna Sokol and the Carty lab for the recently accepted paper in Scientific Reports: DNA polymerase eta modulates replication fork progression and DNA damage responses in platinum-treated human cells’ Anna M. Sokol, Severine Cruet-Hennequart, Philippe Pasero

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