CCB Monthly News Listing: March 2015

IFOM-NUI Galway Symposium on cancer and genome instability

Last month saw researchers from the CCB visit colleagues in IFOM Milan for a symposium about Cancer and genome instability. Some interviews available below: Noel Lowndes talks at that the IFOM-NUI Galway Symposium about cancer and genome instability. Corrado Santocanale

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Award for the Santocanale group at IACR meeting

Edel Mc Garry gave a 15 minute oral presentation at the Irish Association for Cancer Research meeting held in Limerick on 26th/27th February. The talk focused on the mechanisms and proteins controlling genome replication. She won the award for best

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Collaborative study on BRCA1 published

A collaboration between the Morrison lab and Laura Itzhaki’s group from the University of Cambridge was recently published.  Led by first author Dr. David Gaboriau, this paper uncovered functional changes caused by mutations in the key breast and ovarian cancer

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CCB researchers provide new insight into primary cilium formation

Just published in the Journal of Cell Biology is a paper from Dr. Suzanna Prosser and Ciaran Morrison on how cells regulate the formation of primary cilia, antenna-like sensory structures that extend from the cell surface to respond to various

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