
CCB-LOGO-MC50The CCB logo is an abstract version of the DNA double helix. Two half-turns of DNA (in white) separated by the major groove are presented against the Host University’s colour.


Click on appropriate link below. The image should open in a new window. Then right click and “save as” or copy image.

When inserting on slide/poster etc. please do NOT change the aspect (the square logo should be a square- not a rectangle!!)

CCB standard logo (maroon on white, square) .png file

CCB standard logo (maroon on white, round) .png file

CCB standard logo (grey on white, round) .png file

CCB long logo (maroon on white, round) .png file

CCB long logo (grey on white, round) .png file

NUIG logo

also click here for CCB headed paper template .docx file



Directory Graffic for BSB